Assalamoalikum! Welcome to my GTAinside userpage! Here you will see new mods and new missions of GTA Vice City Made by me. I will try to make the game enjoyable. Please follow me and Subscribe My Youtube Channel. If you have any further questions, don't hesitate to contact me by a Private Message.
Ums 1000
@Tragicor Thanks for this Brother
@Tragicor I understand bro
@Tragicor Okay Brother
@Tragicor Yes Bro I Have found One mission "Jury Fury" I know This is Maddening city Mod and there Maddness spreads all around But this is irritating that we must pickup Brassknuckle and the most irritating thing is that we need to leave this weapon because in your mission We have brassknukcle And we cannot shift to hand and if we hit the juror the mission fails and he died. This thing should be changed or something other.. Please note this
@Tragicor Okay Bro